I am a Programmer for many years and a Trader since 2010. However, in 2008 I had a chance to work for a private hedge fund (manage futures) and able to see and experience the impact of the global financial crisis from the perspective of the investment company and the resulting opportunities. My role in the company was algorithmic trading and from that time it passed countless different strategies on my hands. In which, I've learned a lot. And the more I know, the more I have respect :-)
I have rich experiences with development, back testing, forward testing and optimization for several trading platforms: MultiCharts, TradeStation, IB Trader Workstation (TWS), Meta Trader (4,5), JForex, cAlgo, etc. On the financial market, I met three of my passions - math, programming and trading. In trading, I "grew up" on the story of Turtle Traders - which i remember it was probably the very first story I've heard :)
Here I would like to contribute with something that is developed according to my trading requirements and I hope that somehow It could be useful for you too. One thing is to develop software for myself and another for someone else needs. But I am open for any proposals or feedbacks for improvements if it can help to improve your/our trading ;) If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: support at

Applied Math
Programming experiences:
since 1992
professionally since 2002
Trading experiences:
since 2008
on own account since 2010